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How can monitoring the customer experience contribute to your business?

December 19, 2022

Customer experience is one of the most important pillars for brand optimization. Besides ensuring the satisfaction and loyalty of our existing customers, it also helps increase networking, generating new leads through recommendations from those who are already loyal to the brand, thus contributing to the company's growth. As the famous quote by Philip Kotler goes, "The best advertising is done by satisfied customers."

Many actions can be taken to optimize the customer experience, and they can be applied specifically to each product or service. Here is a brief explanation of the actions and sectors involved in this monitoring journey of Sales Journey:

Customer Success: The main goal is to retain customers on our platform. Retention can be achieved in various ways, from assisting customers to find value in the platform, helping with all their questions and functionalities, especially in ticket openings, to monitoring support and the Service Level Agreement (SLA), which is a set of operational guidelines, procedures, and metrics that the support team follows to ensure customer satisfaction. Actively engaging with customers is crucial to gather their feedback on improvements and adjustments that impact the solution's availability, helping them stay on the platform and achieve their goals. Therefore, it is important for the Customer Success team to always be aligned with the technology and Product Design teams, as the platform's enhancement is in the interest of all customers. All these points increase the customer's lifecycle on the platform, thereby reducing the risk of churn and creating upsell opportunities, automatically increasing your business's profit. Retaining existing customers is cheaper than acquiring new ones, highlighting the importance of monitoring the customer experience.

Marketing: We maintain direct communication through social media and email with Sales Journey's existing customers, addressing topics on how to use the tool, new features, and curiosities.

Product Designer: Develops solutions in the form of a physical or digital product, delivering a good and solid experience for the user/customer, monitoring the product's lifecycle from end to end.

UI/UX Designer: UI design involves creating a user-friendly interface with which the user interacts, while UX focuses on how the user uses the product, understanding behaviors, actions, and emotions.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor the customer experience, as it contributes to the evolution of your business, bringing results and improvements.

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Tobias Junior

Chief Technology Officer (CTO) - Sales Journey

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